SWF混流通風機mixed flow fan
本系列風機廣泛應用在工礦企業(yè)、民用建筑、賓館、酒樓、博物館、體育館、空調(diào)、紡織、船舶等空調(diào)工程的通風換氣,最適合于管道加壓、送風和排風及高層建筑、-般建筑的通風換氣之用。不含易燃、易爆、腐蝕性'體,輸送介質(zhì)溫度≤80°C ,含塵量及固體雜質(zhì)s150mg/m3.
It is widely used for the ventilation of industrial and mining enterprises,hotels, restaurants, stadiums, and civil buildings and especially ductaugment pressure ventilation. The air transferred shall not beflammable, explosive, corrosive, dust and grain andthe concentrationhall not exceed 150mg/m' when the temperature of transportingmedium shall not exceed 80C.
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版權(quán)所有 ? 佛山市九洲通風機有限公司 ?? 電話:+86-0757-87722909 ?? 傳真:+86-0757-87722249
粵ICP備19080696號-2 技術(shù)支持:上海網(wǎng)站建設
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